
For your convenience, you may submit a public records request online by filling out the form below. You are not required, however, to submit a request for public records in writing. If you have any questions or concerns, contact FAU’s public records custodian at 561-297-2452 or publicrecords@能力.edu.

*索取一份菲律宾十大网堵网站 成绩单,请使用以下连结: http://www.能力.edu/registrar/Transcriptss.php


FAU will assess an “extensive use” charge for any request that requires more than one hour of information technology resources, 文书或督导协助, 或两个. FAU voluntarily waives the first hour of resources required to fulfill your request. 根据F.S. 119.07(4)(d), “If the nature or volume of public records requested to be inspected or copied pursuant to this subsection is such as to require extensive use of information technology resources or extensive 文书或督导协助 by personnel of the agency involved 或两个, 该机构可能会收取, 除了复制的实际费用之外, 特别服务费, which shall be reasonable and shall be based on the cost incurred for such extensive use of information technology resources or the labor cost of the personnel providing the service that is actually incurred by the agency or attributable to the agency for the clerical and supervisory assistance required, 或两个.”

在可能的情况下, a good-faith deposit invoice will be provided prior to significant extensive use costs being incurred to fulfill public records requests.




根据佛罗里达州第119号法令.011(12), 公共记录就是所有的文件, 论文, 信, 地图, 书, 磁带, 照片, 电影, 录音, 数据处理软件, 或者其他材料, 无论物质形态如何, 特征, 或者传播方式, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by the University.


根据佛罗里达州第119号法令.011(12), 公共记录就是所有的文件, 论文, 信, 地图, 书, 磁带, 照片, 电影, 录音, 数据处理软件, 或者其他材料, 无论物质形态如何, 特征, 或者传播方式, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by the University.

  1. 电子邮件: publicrecords@能力.edu
  2. 电话:561-297-2452
  3. 传真:561-297-2307
  4. 当面或书面:
Does a public records request have to be in writing?

No. Public records requests do not have to be made in writing unless specifically required by statute. 然而, FAU receives many public records requests and to help us to streamline the process, we ask you to voluntarily make your request in writing.

How long does it take to fulfill a public records request?

佛罗里达州第119号法令.07(c) states that a custodian of public records must acknowledge requests to inspect or copy records promptly and respond to such requests in good faith. While the 公共记录 Act does not contain a specific time limit, the University must respond within a reasonable time-period, which includes the time it takes to review the request, 搜索, 检索和处理发布记录. Some requests may only take a few minutes while others may take weeks. The length of time depends on the order in which the request is received relative to other outstanding public records requests, as well as the volume and scope of the request. FAU is committed to providing records as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Can I impose a response deadline upon my request?

No. FAU is obligated to respond to public records requests in a reasonable time. Your request will be handled in the order in which it is received, and as promptly as possible.

Are there duplication and materials costs to obtain records?

根据第119条.07(4), 佛罗里达的律例, FAU可能会收取以下费用, which are also available on the Florida Governor’s website at www.flgov.com/cost-recovery-program:

  • 单面副本:$ 0.每页15页,不超过8.5 x 14英寸
  • 双面副本:$ 0.每页20张,不超过8.5 x 14英寸
  • All other copies Actual cost of duplication (material and supplies, not labor)
  • 光盘:$ 0.85
  • DVD: 1美元.15每
  • 认证副本:1美元.每页00
  • Packaging and shipping charges: Estimated costs may be changed to reflect actual cost incurred
Can additional costs be assessed regarding a public records request?

是的. FAU will assess an “extensive use” charge for any request that requires more than one hour of information technology resources, 文书或督导协助, 或两个. FAU voluntarily waives the first hour of resources required to fulfill your request. 根据F.S. 119.07(4)(d):

If the nature or volume of public records requested to be inspected or copied pursuant to this subsection is such as to require extensive use of information technology resources or extensive 文书或督导协助 by personnel of the agency involved, 或两个, 该机构可能会收取, 除了复制的实际费用之外, 特别服务费, which shall be reasonable and shall be based on the cost incurred for such extensive use of information technology resources or the labor cost of the personnel providing the service that is actually incurred by the agency or attributable to the agency for the clerical and supervisory assistance required, 或两个.


在可能的情况下, a good-faith deposit invoice will be submitted to the requestor, which provides an estimate of the costs to fulfill a request. That invoice must be paid before FAU will fulfill the request.

Does FAU have to create a record if I request it?

No. Florida’s public records law requires agencies to make available to the public only copies of records that already exist.

Does FAU have to answer questions I have about what is stated in records?

No. Florida’s public records law obligates agencies to provide copies of public records. It does not require agencies to “explain” records or answer questions based in the records’ content. 

Will my request be closed if I don’t pay the invoice amount or return a response for clarification pertaining to my public records request?

Requests will be closed if a requesting party fails to pay the final or deposit invoice, or fails to respond to inquiries for clarification pertaining to a public records request after 30 days following the invoice or clarification inquiry.


欲索取官方成绩单,请访问 www.能力.edu/registrar/Transcriptss.php.